Heartwarming Eid Gesture: Deceased Saudi Man's Family Surprises Colleagues
Category: Saudi Arabia

Discover the heartwarming tale of a deceased Saudi colleague whose family surprised his coworkers with a thoughtful Eid gift. This article delves into the touching gesture that left a lasting impact on colleagues and garnered attention on social media.

Upon their return to work after Eid Al Fitr, employees of the Ministry of Islamic Affairs, Dawah, and Guidance in Riyadh received a heartwarming surprise. The gift, sent in memory of their late colleague Turki bin Salem Al Shareed, touched the hearts of all who received it.

Despite Turki's passing during Ramadan, his mother was determined to honor his memory among his coworkers. She sent a thoughtful Eid gift to their workplace, comprising chocolate bars, a digital finger prayer beads, and heartfelt Eid greetings.

Accompanying the gift was a touching message from Turki's family, urging his colleagues to remember him in their prayers. The message read: “Eid Mubarak from the family of your late brother Turki Salem Al Shared, do not forget him from the benefit of your prayers.”

The sincerity and compassion behind this gesture deeply resonated with the employees, who were moved by the thoughtfulness of Turki's family. They shared pictures of the gift online, sparking a wave of emotional responses and condolences from social media users.

The story quickly gained traction on social media platforms, with bloggers and users alike expressing their sympathy for Turki's family and admiration for his mother's loving tribute.

The unexpected Eid gift from the family of a deceased Saudi colleague serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring bonds of friendship and the power of remembrance. In honoring Turki's memory, his family's gesture touched the hearts of his coworkers and resonated deeply within the online community, showcasing the enduring impact of love and compassion.

17 Apr, 2024 0 228
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