Reconciliation Committee Settled A Total Of 26 Murder Cases In Asir
Category: Crime News

The reconciliation committee settled a total of 26 murder cases in Asir province in 2017, according to a report released by the committee.

The report said the number of murder cases it reconciled last year was higher than 2016, when it intervened in 16 murder cases.

The committee's chairman Musfir Bin Hassan Al-Harmali presented the report to Asir Emir Prince Faisal Bin Khalid last week.

Musfir said the committee had settled 1,445 various cases, including 26 murders, nine tribal conflicts, 468 cases of personal properties, 327 family issues, 326 special right cases, 172 financial disputes and 172 miscellaneous cases.

He said the committee intervened in 140 more cases last year compared to 2015 when it resolved 1,305 cases, consisting of 19 murders, 276 personal rights issues, 407 disputes involving property, 172 financial issues, 323 family disputes and 108 miscellaneous cases.

Musfir said in 2015, the committee settled through reconciliation and good offices a total of 16 murder cases, 292 legal rights issues, 352 family disputes and three tribal conflicts.

He said the main reconciliation committee and the sub-committees tried to settle blood money issues in a way to ensure clemency and tolerance.

He also the said the committee was making all efforts not to inflate the demands for blood money so as not to burden the families with raising huge amounts to secure pardon for their close ones.

Musfir said the committee covered all governorates in the province including Khamis Mushayt, Bisha, Namas and others.



13 Mar, 2018 0 1094
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