OIC Welcomes Temporary Afghan Cease-fire
Category: International

The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) welcomed the cease-fire declared by the president of Afghanistan and the Taliban leadership and urged both sides to make it a permanent one.
Afghan President Ashraf Ghani announced an eight-day cease-fire from the 27th of Ramadan until the fifth day of Eid-Al-Fitr following an edict (fatwa) issued by the religious scholars of Afghanistan on June 4.
The Taliban leadership also issued a declaration of cease-fire during the three days of Eid.
“The Muslim Ummah, and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation commend and welcome the declaration of the government of Afghanistan and the Taliban and they appeal to the Afghan nation to adhere to the cease-fire call,” said OIC Secretary-General Dr. Yousef Al-Othaimeen.
He also said: “The noble Afghan nation is tired and has been losing blood of innocent children as a result of decades-long internecine conflict imposed upon them, and all Afghans should now lay down arms and engage in constructive dialogue toward restoration of lasting peace, security and stability, essential for rebuilding their devastated country.” 



12 Jun, 2018 0 813
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